Sunday, August 28, 2011


S to the E to the X to the...okay, you pretty much get my point. It is the universally known process of producing new life, an offspring, a product of a scientific combustion, a baby, a vulgar song that will probably make millions in the music market. Ah, the wonders of sex. What would we do without it?
Alright, I'm not going to rant on and on about how wonderful it is and how it helps society in a productive way and how people have a wrong idea about it. To an extent, yes, society has hyped it so much that just the word makes an adolescent blush and giggle and whenever it is mentioned among adults while a child is present then everyone covers it up with some stupid story about a stork and a chimney and an egg...or am I mixing up Eastmas?
So you can guess, I'm not going to talk about the action but the word. Because it's not the action that apparently makes society gasp in shock but when someone utters the word. I swear, it's like the second Voldemort. Wait, that's a REALLY gross analogy.....rewind, rewind, REWIND
Anyways, what I want to know is WHY do people hype up the word so much? For God's sake (I say 'God' because whenever I say 'Pete' everyone's like 'Who's that?' GO GOOGLE IT! Jeez...) 'sex' isn't a curse word or anything! Why do I get dirty looks for saying it?? And it isn't funny! Please, enlighten me, HOW is it funny? It's not something abnormal, it doesn't involve a blonde (though I have to admit, blonde sex jokes are hilarious) and I don't remember someone saying 'knock, knock' before they say it. Can you imagine a joke like that??
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Sex who?
Exactly *wink*
.......................yea, I didn't laugh but nice try........(perv)
So basically what I am trying to say is that sex is a NATURAL process of life! It's probably happening right now as you read this post! It could be happening on the other side of the world or hey, it might just be happening outside your window! (and I bet you just looked outside your window just to make sure and are thinking, 'No, there isn't' and feel smarter than me. You're not. I just made you look)
I keep diverting from my opinion I know but only because I have three voices speaking in my head at the same time and each wants priority. I swear UN meetings are quieter than the argument in my head.
But bottom line, the word 'sex' is not taboo, say it as often as you want without being scared (sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex), it's your life so you shouldn't be afraid to say anything! And remember, every word was created in order to be used. Otherwise, it would just have been called, 'the thing you do when you feel frisky.' And that just sounds weird. Plus it's a mouthful.
...........that's what she said.......
xXLibra outXx   

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